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Gerben Zaagsma

- Research fellow
- Lichtenberg-Kolleg, The Göttingen Institute of Advanced Study, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Website: gerbenzaagsma.org
- Twitter: gerbenzaagsma
I work as a research fellow at the Lichtenberg Kolleg at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in the project The diaries of Anne Frank. Research—Translations—Critical Edition (for more information on the project visit: http://goo.gl/yRnqhE).
In addition to my work in Jewish history, I am particularly interested in the methodological implications of using new technologies in historical research and writing. Within this context I guest-edited a special issue of BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review on digital history that was published in december 2013 (see: http://goo.gl/nljPjj).