Integrating education and research

How to integrate the existing formats of education in the humanities (e.g., examinations, assignments) with ongoing research projects?

In my teaching of theoretical courses at art colleges in Antwerp, I have experimented with both very strict forms (digital submissions, data collection) and more free-form methods (collaborative translation). Both, however, have distinct advantages and disadvantages.

My question for THATCamp Ghent is: how can research projects be integrated into conventional Ba and Ma courses? How to set up a digital system so that it enables students to collaborate in ongoing research, but at the same time facilitates student evaluation?

Categories: General, Research Methods, Session Proposals, Teaching |

About Thomas Crombez

I am a lecturer at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Antwerp) and at Sint Lucas Antwerp. Current courses include Philosophy of Art, Theatre History and Performance. My research focuses on the history of avant-garde and performance art. Further interests include new methodologies for doing research, such as digital text collections and data visualization. In this context, I developed various online projects, such as Etcetera ( and ( At the University of Antwerp, I initiated the Platform for Digital Humanities (